Halloween Thorpe Park Trip
Trip to Thorpe Park for Fright Night!
When? Wednesday 28th October 2015
What do I need to do to be considered?
First of all, you need to pay £5 to a member of staff in the office to secure your interest. This £5 will be refunded when you attend so that you have money for lunch.
Secondly, we want this trip to be a reward for the people who have attended previous activities and actively engaged with the service. A log has been designed for residents who wish to track how much they have engaged leading up to the event, and this log will be accepted as evidence of your engagement.
Everybody who is in college is expected to maintain 80% attendance and those who are currently working are expected to maintain their jobs up until the date of the activity. If this is not attained then somebody else may get picked over you because spaces are limited!