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If you are looking for work or currently unable to work, then the NEET Offer is here to help you to develop the skills and confidence to make sure you are prepared for employment. The NEET Offer also provides an avenue for residents to maintain the engagement expectations set out in the Abingdon Foyer House Rules along with being a great way to spend your time and getting to know other residents.

Healthy Habits
Mondays: 2pm

Lack of activity is a leading cause of depression, low-mood, and lack of motivation. Kickstart your week by taking part in a healthy activity.


The activity schedule is not set, so residents can choose collectively what type of healthy activity they would like to take part in. This could be a gym sessions, tennis, football, or even a light walk down by the river.

Guitar Lessons
Mondays: 4pm

Anybody can play guitar if they practice daily!


Meet with Kyle to learn the basics of guitar-playing and impress your friends at parties. Within eight weeks, and with enough practice, you will be able to play classics such as Wonderwall and No Woman No Cry.

Wednesdays: 2pm

This session is mandatory for all NEET residents.


Opportunities is all about exploring what is available and how to obtain the work or training you desire. Staff will be available during this session to support with anything from creating a CV to discussing your dream job.

A weekly session hosted by Oxfordshire Mind at Wallingford Sports Park.


Staff and service-users from Oxfordshire Mind andAbingdon Foyer meet every Friday morning for a casual game of football. Everybody is welcome no matter what your ability level is, even if you just want to come along to watch!


Football with
Oxfordshire Mind
Fridays: 11am
Key Skills:
English, Maths, and ICT
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